Friday, July 17, 2009

Presidentiable #1: MAR ROXAS..Drama Revisited.

As election-season draws near, Pinay Glamourista aims to join in the public service bandwagon in analyzing our presidentiables' images, which plays an enormous part in their campaigning. These entries swear to be bias-free (since I definitely don't have anyone high on my list right now) and will strive to sweat out all the things the presidentiables must strive to work on.

First on our list is the ever-gregarious Mar Roxas, who was known from his previous senatorial campaign as "Mr. Palengke". His image then was all about friendliness, openness, as well as smile-ness. He seemed approachable from most of his ads and this, I think won the hearts of most Pinoys.

He previously set the country a-buzz due to his engagement with his girlfriend, Korina Sanchez. Who can ever forget that heart-wrenching proposal done in Wowowee?

As always, his trademark short-sleeved blue polo is still his item of choice, even for his Presidential campaign. But due to his descent in the polls, it turns out that he ranks high with the upper middle to upper class citizens. On the other hand, he's not exactly riding high among those in the middle to lower class. So what does he do? Make a corny commercial!!!

I'm sure all of you remember that ad where Mar takes over driving the pedicab from the kid. It seriously made me cringe. Who are these people behind these ads!? But who am I to complain, I'm not part of their target audience. It probably had an impact more with others.

Wait! This ad has actually a follow-up commercial! Let's take a look:

Whuuuut. Mar: "KA-MUUUS-TAAAAA?"

I don't like it. If Mar Roxas is gaining more votes in the lower brackets due to this commercials, well good for him. He's definitely losing some in the higher brackets. It's too dramatic!!! Everyone's too squinty! I know times are hard in the country right now but COME ON! I'm suppose to feel hope when I see you, not get all depressed!

One thing though: I love the lola! Hahahaha!!! She should be given an acting award for this!


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